Work With Me

 Are you frustrated after years of doctors telling you "nothing's wrong," yet you know something is OFF?

Or maybe you've already checked all the boxes...

✔︎ healthy diet       

✔︎ regular exercise

✔︎ normal lab work

...yet you're still feeling stuck with symptoms that seem like they're here to stay. 

If any of this sounds familiar, my program might be a good fit. Is this for you?

So How Do I Get Started?

My group program is absolutely essential for setting the Foundations for healthy hormones, and that's where I begin with all my clients.

This three month program covers the 5 Pillars of Healthy Hormones, with bonus sections on "Mindset" and "Quick Wins" to get you started feeling better right away.

But the real work takes time, and incremental changes today lead to big results tomorrow, so the most important thing is to actually commit to yourself and get started!

If you know you need more (more sessions, more lab review, more strategic supplementation), my 1:1 nutrition coaching program is designed to dig deep and uncover the root cause of your symptoms. Using evidenced-based nutrition protocols, reinforced by functional labs and targeted supplements, I design a unique plan based on your specific results and goals.


Foundations: A Group Program

This 3-month program will dive into each of the 5 Pillars of Healthy Hormones. You will have access to video modules, worksheets, recipes, and more. You will also be included in a private chat community of like-minded women all implementing similar lifestyle changes. And a bi-monthly group Q&A with me. Talk about extra support!


1:1 Coaching

If you know you are looking for a more individualized program that involves functional labs, 1:1 coaching is probably the right fit for you. The Foundations are a key part of that coaching - skipping the fundamentals yields frustratingly slow progress, even with the insight gained by functional labs and the assistance provided by strategic supplements. We will spend the first half of our 6 months together building your foundations, while digging deeper into the root cause of your symptoms with appropriate functional labs.

   This is for you if:

  • You have already tried all the things, and your labs keep coming back "normal," but you don't feel normal. 

  • You understand that real results require time and commitment, and you are open to making changes that may be challenging and contrary to popular diet culture.

  • You are ready to invest in yourself and have the funds to support your health journey.

   This is NOT for you if:

  • You are looking for a quick fix, or you want another "eat less, move more" strategy for weight loss. 

  • You want a meal plan dictating your every bite. 

  • You have a hard time committing to a program and sticking with it.


Before you schedule, please read the following:

1. I have limited space available for 1:1 coaching clients. Complimentary consults are reserved for those who are serious about working with me, and ready to invest in their health.

2. I do not accept insurance (I do accept HSA cards). My 1:1 clients typically invest between $2000-$6000 depending on the details specific to their case.

3. All sessions are virtual (phone or secure video). I do not see clients in person.

If this feels like a good fit for you, let's get started.

Book your complimentary consultation now!


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